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Starting Your Career
To become a real property appraiser, you will need to obtain education and experience, and pass a state-administered licensing or certification exam.
The Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) set new minimum education criteria that became effective in all states on January 1, 2008. The new criterion includes an increase in the minimum number of hours required to become licensed or certified, and specifies specific topic areas to be covered by these courses. Also, the criterion includes more in-depth topic coverage and increase in hours. There is a new uniform state licensing/certification examination, and a college degree requirement for the certified levels.
Current & Past Required Minimum Appraisal Education Hours
Appraiser Trainee 75
Certified Residential Real Property Appraiser 200
Certified General Real Property Appraiser 300
The Appraisal Institute has created several Education Packages to help you meet your state requirements.
Please note: These are minimum criteria; states have the option requiring more hours than listed. It is imperative that you understand your state requirements. Many states may require more than the minimum required hours. Check with your state agency for details.
Trainees looking for a supervisory appraiser should note that effective January 1, 2008, a supervising appraiser must be either a certified residential or certified general appraiser in good standing and not subject to any disciplinary action within the last two years that affect the supervising appraiser's legal eligibility to practice appraisal.
The AQB has set the following minimum criteria for experience:
LevelHours of Experience Required
TraineeSubject to direct supervision by a supervising appraiser who is certified in good standing
Certified Residential 2,500 hours in no fewer than 12 months
Certified General 3,000 hours in no fewer than 18 months
State Examination
Appraisal Institute courses do an excellent job to prepare you to pass state examinations to become licensed or certified. Our courses reinforce real estate appraisal theory and concepts by presenting and applying them to real-world problems and case studies.
To schedule a state examination, please contact your state regulatory agency for details.
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